
Teamviewer login to different account
Teamviewer login to different account

TempDirectory=$( /usr/bin/mktemp -d "/private/tmp/$workDirectory.XXXXXX" )ĭownloadFilePath="TeamviewerHost-idc$tv_customID.pkg" # Parameter $5 = Teamviewer assignment API tokenĮcho "$(date): No teamviewer configuration id provided."Įcho "$(date): No teamviewer api token provided."Įcho "$(date): Creating working directory" # Parameter $4 = Teamviewer configuration ID # Provide configuration details via jamf parameter:# # Runs the TeamViewer Assignment Tool after the installation # Downloads and installs latest TeamViewer Host with custom configuration Is there a more reliable way to assign the device in TeamViewer? Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not.

teamviewer login to different account

I have added a 'sleep' and increased the '-wait' parameter, both without success. The download and installation part works great, but the assignment isnt working reliable.

teamviewer login to different account

I have a problem with my TeamViewer Installation script.

Teamviewer login to different account